Dare To Be A
Step by Step Architectural Visualization education by award-winning 2G Studio from Bali Indonesia with 16 years of experience.
Our Courses
Sketchup Enscape
Sketchup Enscape is the fastest render engine at the moment. With the real time render technology allow Architect and Interior designer to see their design to live while designing it.
Suitable for:
Architects and Interior Designer
Render Quality:
Good for Design Presentation
Render Speed:
Instant result

Be The Next Super Heroes
Apakah Anda ingin menjadi bagian dari super heroes? Yes, saya tahu itu tidak mudah, tapi perjalanan panjang selalu dimulai dengan 1 langkah kecil, dan mendukung Anda bisa melangkahkan kaki Anda walau itu langkah kecil, itu sangatlah berarti, dan untuk itu kami buat program 21 Days Challenge untuk Anda. Dapatkan Free Trial selama 7 hari sekarang juga dan promo free trial ini hanya sampai tanggal 15 Juli 2021. Daftarkan diri Anda sekarang juga. Slot terbatas hanya untuk 50 orang.
3DSMAX Corona
Corona for 3DSMAX is one the best render engines for 3DSMAX. It can produce the highest quality you can get. Easier to set up than V-Ray but less flexible. However, it allow us to focus on creativity rather than fighting the software.
Suitable for:
3D Artist
Render Quality:
Very Good for marketing purpose
Render Speed:

Instagram Followers

Our Instagram followers keep increasing as they benefit from the content provided for the advancement of the Arch Viz industry.
Instagram follower yang terus bertambah karena mendapatkan manfaat dari konten yang diberikan demi kemajuan industri Arch Viz di Indonesia
Facebook Followers

Our Facebook page likes continue to grow, making it one of the ideal platforms to provide the best education.
Facebook page likes terus bertumbuh dan menjadi salah satu tempat yang tepat untuk memberikan edukasi terbaik.
Youtube Subscribers

YouTube is our primary platform for delivering the best educational content.
Youtube menjadi tempat utama kami memberikan konten edukasi terbaik
Course Graduates

In total, there are 7000 members of 2G Academy from all around the world.
Total ada 7000 member 2G Academy yang berasa dari seluruh dunia.

2G Academy was established in 2013 and has produced numerous professional artists worldwide.
2G Academy berdiri sejak tahun 2013 dan sudah mencetak banyak artist profesional di seluruh dunia

There have been more than 564 educational videos provided for free in total.
Total sudah ada lebih dari 564 video edukasi yang diberikan secara gratis.